OSF News & Events
The latest news and events featuring Our Secure Future
Featured Articles
Our Secure Future Launches the WPS National Action Plan Academy
Our Secure Future (OSF) is delighted to announce the inaugural Women, Peace and Security National Action Plan Academy.
June 03,2024
Our Secure Future and Women In International Security Co-Host High-Level Breakfast for Women Leaders at the NATO Summit
On July 10, 2024, Our Secure Future (OSF) and Women In International Security (WIIS), co-hosted a private breakfast event discussing the Women, Peace and Security agenda in today's security framework.
July 18,2024
OSF and the Atlantic Council Host Event on WPS in Today's Security Landscape
On March 4, 2024, Our Secure Future and the Atlantic Council’s Transatlantic Security Initiative, in the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, co-hosted a hybrid public event on the role of the Women, Peace and Security agenda in today’s security landscape.
March 18,2024