OSF News & Events

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Showing 144 result(s) for OSF News
May 06, 2021

MAWPS Two Years On

OSF’s Project Mobilizing Men as Partners for WPS has turned 2! Check out some of the highlights!
May 04, 2021

TEDTalk Tuesday: Madeleine Rees

Madeleine Rees recounts her experience exposing sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers and the importance of personal values in fighting for systemic change.
April 13, 2021

OSF Director on World Denver Panel

OSF Director Sahana Dharmapuri was invited to speak to as part of the panel Forging New Paths in National Security sponsored by the WorldDenver Young Professionals and Lockheed Martin.
December 17, 2020

Daring Voices Interview

OSF Director interviewed for PSFG’s “Daring Voices” reflecting on the recent U.S. election and what it means for Women, Peace and Security.